Bf-109E-7 fighter-bombers were equipped with bomb racks and were capable of carry up to 500 kg. III./SKG 210 or Wespen-Geschwader (Wasp Squadron) was a ground attack unit and instead of the usual Bf-110 the unit was equipped with Bf-109E-7Bs. III./SKG 210 was soon re-designated III./ZG 1 and took part in the battles in the Balkans, North Africa and on the Eastern Front in 1941 – 1942. Bf-109E-7/B WNr 6027 “S9 CD” of Stab. III./ZG 1 was damaged when the landing gear collapsed in May 1942.

Solid Wood Puzzle Models Toys with a 3D Cityscape Design1/48 BF 109E-7B III/SKG 210 Russia 1941