Chunky Bamboo Brush
Everything about this chunky bamboo brush is gorgeous. From the end of the smooth handle with all its curves to the tips of its soft bristles - holding this brush in your hand is a pure sensory experience. If this is how I feel as an adult, just imagine how a child must feel! The handles are perfectly thick for young hands to grasp. A fantastic addition to our other fine motor resources.
This chunky bamboo brush is a versatile play tool:
- painting with water, natural paints, herbal and traditional tea
- perfect for young palaeontologists to excavate dinosaur skulls from their sandy resting places
- brush sand away in a sand tray to reveal letters and images beneath
You can buy individually or combined in our .
- made from bamboo and natural bristles
- handmade
This product is only suitable for children 3 years and above.