As an open-ended quality toy, Connetix will grow WITH your child as they learn and their play becomes more complex.
Explore more ways to play with Connetix Tiles:
This bundle includes the following two packs:
102 Piece Creative Pack:
- 6 x Large squares
- 36 x Small squares
- 12 x Equilateral triangles
- 12 x Right angle triangles
- 12 x Isosceles triangles
- 6 x Window pieces
- 6 x door pieces
- 6 x Rectangles
- 6 x fences
- Idea Booklet
24 Piece Motion Pack:
- 2 Cars with Rubber Wheels
- 12 x Small squares
- 8 x Rectangle pieces
- 2 x Hollow square pieces (door frames)
- Idea Booklet